Here are step-by-step instructions on how to correctly enter a new check into the iink app for processing:
2. Go to your Dashboard and click the blue "START NEW" button on the top right
3. Upload a picture of the front and back of the check
- The file must be a JPEG, PNG, or GIF (not PDF) - You can use this FREE TOOL to convert a PDF to JPEG
- For addressing common errors associated with check images, CLICK HERE
4. Enter the check amount
5. Select a Service by answering mortgage company questions regarding the uploaded check
6. Enter the Claim Number and upload the insurance carrier supplied Scope of Loss (and/or the adjuster's worksheet, insurance estimate)
- If the homeowner/contractor settled the property insurance claim in a dispute and the scope of loss was not provided, please upload the SETTLEMENT LETTER and/or FINAL RELEASE
- The mortgage company may require additional documentation to confirm the repairs. We will request and manage those requirements with stakeholders, as needed
7. Add Stakeholders - Stakeholders include all listed payees on the pay-to-the-order-of line on the check. If the mortgage company is listed, be sure to choose Other if the mortgage company is not listed in the drop-down list provided by iink. The insurance carrier should also be included as a stakeholder. Please add any additional professionals who need to review and/or receive funds from this check. - For detailed instructions on how to correctly enter all stakeholders, CLICK HERE
8. Click Submit
- You can also save progress and complete it later if you do not have all the required information needed by clicking the "Save Progress" button