Guide to Adding and Removing Team Members

Guide to Adding and Removing Team Members


This guide outlines the steps to add and remove team members in the iink App. Understanding these processes is crucial for maintaining secure and efficient operations within your organization.

Adding Active Team Members

  1. Log in to the iink App: Navigate to and log in with your credentials.
  2. Access Manage Team Section: From the left-hand menu, select "Manage Team".
  3. Invite New User: In the Manage Team section, you can add new members by sending them an invitation email.
    Note: Only grant Admin privileges to team members who should have the authority to add new users or change bank account information.
  4. Complete Registration: Invitees will receive an email to create their own login credentials. Once completed, you will see them listed under your Company Users.

Managing Team Members' Privileges

  1. View Team Members: In the Manage Team section, you'll find a list of all team members and their current status.
  2. Assign Roles: Click the Admin Active buttons to toggle the permissions.
    1. Admin: Grants the ability to change bank account information and add new users.
    2. Active: Allows team members to upload checks and manage check files.
  3. Buttons will turn blue when activated.

Making Team Members Inactive

  1. Access Manage Team Section: Navigate to the left-hand menu and choose Manage Team.
  2. Deactivate Members: In this section, click the respective buttons to revoke their privileges. This will make them inactive, and they will lose access to the iink App.

Important Considerations

  1. Be diligent in revoking access for team members who are no longer associated with your organization to maintain security.